175 High-Impact Cover Letters, Third Edition arms job seekers with an arsenal of highly effective professional cover letter models that, with minor modification, can be rapidly deployed as needed. You'll find a full chapter, complete with numerous models, dedicated to each of five different types of cover letters: employer broadcast letters, search firm broadcast letters, advertising response letters, networking cover letters, and resume letters.
With step-by-step instructions and a wealth of samples, 175 High-Impact Cover Letters shows you how to prepare a well-written, professional letter that will help you land the interview every time. For the Third Edition, almost every letter has been substantially rewritten or fine-tuned to reflect the current thinking and terminology in the field of staffing, while an entirely new chapter provides proven "do's" and "don'ts" of effective cover letter writing. You'll find:
No matter how impressive your resume, it's your cover letter that employers read first. With 175 High-Impact Cover Letters, Third Edition, you can make sure they'll be eager to turn to the next page.