From the New York Times bestselling author of the Cat in the Stacks Mystery Series, a traditional British village cozy mystery series...with a twist!
"A well-crafted mystery combines with whimsical characters to create an imaginative spoof on the classic locked-room mystery." –Publishers Weekly
"A delightful English village whodunit filled with some of the most eccentric characters you'll ever run across in a mystery novel." –The Denver Post
The typically quiet British village of Snupperton Mumsley is bustling over the arrival of Zeke Harwood, the insufferable star of a popular TV decorating show. The Snupperton episode is supposed to feature the redecorating of Lady Prunella Blitherington's drawing room, but Zeke plans to paint the room a garish red—and he and Lady Prunella are caught on tape in the midst of a dreadful argument.
When Zeke is found murdered—and covered in red paint!—Lady Prunella becomes the chief suspect. But Simon Kirby-Jones, part-time amateur sleuth and full-time gay vampire, unearths plenty of other motives among the guests, villagers...and even the butler! Meanwhile, Simon is stumped as to why he suddenly has urges to nibble some necks—A symptom his medication is supposed to suppress!
A charming and refreshing take on the classic locked-room mystery, Decorated to Death is sure to endear fans of the cozy mystery genre.