What is the meaning of life? Why are we here? Is there a God or isn't there, and if there is a God, what is its nature? How shall we live? What shall we live for, if anything? How we can decide right from wrong? Is there any reasonable way to answer these questions that doesn't require us to fall back on blind faith? Are we primarily physical beings or spiritual beings?
People have struggled for millennia to tackle these questions. Wars have been fought over them.The way we answer these questions will provide the ultimate context for everything we do with our lives.
-Tackle issues that are deep and complex yet easy to comprehend and relate to.
-Explore a practical and philosophical solution to answering these questions and learn how to translate them into a personal purpose that is actually achievable.
-Improve your human awareness and help more people see the benefits and navigate the obstacles in pursuing their own conscious growth.
-Dive into the notion that we are genetically or divinely encoded with a built-in purpose and find out if introspection can help bring it to the surface.