Are you more emotionally sensitive than other people?
Do you become emotional for no apparent reason?
If you think you might have empathic psychic abilities, you must develop your skills to uncover your true psychic power. Otherwise, your empathic power will never amount to anything useful.
That's good news. The bad news is that empaths can absorb the energy of those around them. Being an empath makes you particularly vulnerable to narcissists—They will behave without regard to your feelings and use your empathy to manipulate you.
If you are an empath or HSP — Empath can help you see your situation more clearly, make decisions, and plan a safer exit if that is what you choose. If you're not sure you're in a relationship with a narcissist, read Chapter 6 for signs your partner is a narcissist.
Here is what "Empath and Narcissist" can offer you:
If you are ready to understand your empathic or highly sensitive nature and to stop allowing yourself to be vulnerable
BUY "Empath and Narcissist–The Survival Guide and Life Strategies for Sensitive People" TODAY!